Underhill Baptist Church
Underhill Baptist Church All Rights Reserved

Archived Services

For confidentialty, only the Sermon Content of the service is available on the Web Site but, as a member or

friend of the church, you may be able to request a recording of the whole service including the confidential

prayers and sharing times.

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon


Rev Ray Thomas

Other previously recorded Sermons may be available on request - please use the Web Site’s “Contact”

Option to email your request or telephone us on: 0208 440 9321

42 Elton Avenue, Barnet, Herts, EN5 2EA

“A divided church”

Rev Ray Thomas

“The justice og God in

an unfair world”

Rev Malcolm Drummond

Sunday 21st July 2024

Sunday 9th June 2024

Sunday 7th July 2024

Underhill Baptist Church

Archived Services

For confidentialty, only the Sermon Content of the

service is available on the Web Site but, as a member

or friend of the church, you may be able to request a

recording of the whole service including the

confidential prayers and sharing times.

Other previously recorded Sermons may be available

on request. Please use the Web Site’s “Contact”

Option to email your request

or telephone us on: 0208 440 9321

Underhill Baptist Church 2024 All Rights Reserved
42 Elton Avenue,Barnet, Herts, EN5 2EA Map

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon


Rev Ray Thomas

“a divided church”

Sunday 9th June 2024

Rev Ray Thomas

Sunday 7th July 2024

Recorded Sermon

Rev Ray Thomas

“a divided church”

Sunday 7th July 2024

Underhill Baptist Church
Underhill Baptist Church 2024 All Rights Reserved

Archived Services

For confidentialty, only the Sermon Content of the service is available on the Web

Site but, as a member or friend of the church, you may be able to request a

recording of the whole service including the confidential prayers and sharing times.

Other previously recorded Sermons may be available on request.

Please use the Web Site’s “Contact” Option to email your request

or telephone us on: 0208 440 9321

42 Elton Avenue, Barnet, Herts, EN5 2EA

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon


Rev Ray Thomas

“a divided church”

Sunday 9th June 2024

Rev Ray Thomas

Sunday 7th July 2024

Recorded Sermon

Rev Malcolm Drummond

“The jstice of God in an

unfair world”

Sunday 21st July 2024

Archived Services

For confidentialty, only the Sermon Content of the service is available on the Web Site but, as a member or friend of the church, you may be able to

request a recording of the whole service including the confidential prayers and sharing times.

Other previously recorded Sermons may be available on request - please use the Web Site’s “Contact” Option to email your request

or telephone us on: 0208 440 9321

Underhill Baptist Church 2024 All Rights Reserved
42 Elton Avenue, Barnet, Herts, EN5 2EA
Underhill Baptist Church Map

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon

Recorded Sermon


Rev Malcolm Drummond

“The justice of God in an

unfair world”

Sunday 21st July 2024

Sunday 9th June 2024

Rev Ray Thomas

Sunday 7th July 2024

Rev Ray Thpmas

“a divided church”